PIX4Dinspect August release

PIX4Dinspect latest release: automated rooftop measurements

Forget about the manual, time-consuming rooftop measurements - with the new PIX4Dinspect AI algorithms measurements are now fully automated

The latest updates from PIX4Dinspect bring exciting new AI algorithms to automatically measure and annotate rooftops. Continue reading to learn the latest news from PIX4Dinspect, including a new inspection tool, new datasets, and more.

##Automate your rooftop measurements with AI

With the help of Artificial Intelligence algorithms, PIX4Dinspect can now automatically measure rooftops. The new Roof segmentation AI plugin detects, measures, and annotates all rooftop faces and obstacles to automate your workflow and save you time. The rooftop faces (or surfaces) are measured and annotated in blue. The rooftop obstacles are annotated in orange - these are all obstacles present on the roof that could be a potential issue, e.g when installing solar panels.

Automatic rooftop measurements save you time

To activate the Roof segmentation AI, make sure to select the “Rooftop” asset type when creating a new project. Once you have chosen the Rooftop”asset type, in the third step of the project creation, you will see the Rooftop segmentation option as part of the Artificial Intelligence plugins available to you.

Check out our demo project here to see the results for yourself.

Improvement in the PDF report

With the new release, you now have the option to access the project, particular annotations, measurements, or inventory items directly from the PDF report. This could be extremely useful when sharing the project with your team or stakeholders as they can quickly access the particular project, measurement, or annotation in their own web browser.

Easier access to projects, annotations and measurements

New processing engine - faster and better quality results

We have implemented a new processing engine that will improve the quality of your 3D models and textured 3D models while simultaneously decreasing your processing time.

New demo datasets

Industrial site

With PIX4Dinspect you can inspect your industrial site efficiently - automatically detect rust, annotate broken elements, missing parts, or anything you would like to highlight and inspect further. Generate PDF reports automatically with key information and easily share them online with your team or stakeholders. Explore our new industrial demo project here.

Cell tower

PIX4Dinspect offers additional AI algorithms specifically designed for cell towers. With PIX4Dinspect you can automatically get your Tower Inventory, and request BIM models. Want to see it? Check our Cell tower demo project now.

Quickly inspect your images with the Inspect tool

The Inspect tool offers an intuitive display that shows the original images and the 3D reconstructed model so that you can inspect any point of interest in the 3D view and see the images that were used for the reconstruction.

Quickly inspect images with PIX4Dinspect

Access overlapping items

Having too many items on your project can make it difficult to select the item you are looking for - so we prepared an alternative item selection method for those overlapping items called the Select layer. How does it work? Right click on your mouse to display all overlapping items in the selected location so that you can choose the item of interest.

The Select layer let you choose your preferred item

New location selection for your data processing and storage

We have added a new processing cluster location - in Montreal, Canada. From now on you can select Canada as your preferred location for processing and storing your data. To do that, go to Account Settings > Preferences > Processing cluster location and select Canada cluster from the dropdown.

New processing cluster

Automate your rooftop measurements with PIX4Dinspect now
AI-powered Digital Twin platform for industrial inspection and asset management

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